General Information
Welcome to Postgraduate Program in Philosophy (PPGFil) at Ufes
General Information
The Postgraduate Program in Philosophy fosters advanced research of philosophical inquiry and the enhancement of teaching careers in higher education. Based at the Center for Humanities and Natural Sciences of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, the program brings together scholars from a wealth of diverse fields thus promoting high level interdisciplinary postgraduate education along with the integration among laboratories and study centers at graduate and postgraduate levels.
Areas of Research
The Postgraduate Program in Philosophy covers three areas of research, one of which must be chosen upon admission:
● Contemporary philosophy
● Metaphysics
● Ethics and political philosophy
A thorough English description of the research areas will be provided upon request.
The program is based in Vitória-ES, offering the course of Postgraduate Program in Philosophy since 2008 e the course of since 2019 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 4 on its last evaluation.
The program already has 111 masters and 1 doctors and counts with 40 students regularly enrolled, being 15 in the masters and 25 in the doctorate.